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Friday, October 22, 2010

Chickenpox Week.

Hey,buddy i am back^^
I have abandoned my blog about 5 months.
So sorry,my blog:")

This week i am so boring....
Because of the stupid chickenpox....Huh><
By the way,
need to thank for the chickenpox also,
then only i have the time to renew my blog.

I have changed my background and add some photo.
What to you think?...nice?

The time is run out so fast,just a blink an eye already end of October.
Guess what?
SPM is around the Conner,from 5 student we still left 28day to go.....NO!!!
Can i just stop the time?

This SPM timetable is D.I.Y by my dear Guat Sim.
Do u know this timetable really make me more easy.
If i follow the booklet that teacher gave,
i think i will miss one go exam.
Haha...Cuz i am so blur...^^
This timetable really cool right:)
Thank you my dear.muackz...